Korean Hotdog Descriptions

1. The Original
Different from the usual hot dog!
You will enjoy our secret batter mix crispy chewy!

2. Mozzarella
Enjoy soft & moist texture of mozzarella cheese dipped in crispy batter

3. The Original Flaming Hot Cheetos Dog
Different from the usual hot dog!
You will enjoy our secret batter mix-crispy chewy covered in Cheetos!

4. Chedder Cheese
Want to try a different combination?
Enjoy our sausage wrapped with cheddar cheese dipped in crispy batter!

5. The Jumbo
Meat Lovers! Come & enjoy our Premium High Quality 100% beef sausage dipped in crispy batter!

6.Mozzarella & Sausage
Two in one hot dog! Enjoy bites of mozzarella cheese then sausage dipped in crispy batter!

7. Squid-ink & Mozzarella
Want to see a special squid-looking hot dog? 1/2 Mozzarella Cheese & 1/2 Sausage dipped in crispy batter made of squid-ink! WHOA!

8. Mozzarella and Cheddar
For our cheese lovers! 1/2 Mozzarella Cheese & 1/2 sausage wrapped with chedder cheese in crispy batter!

9. The Potato
Deep fried cubes meet our Original Hot Dog!

10. Potato & Mozzarella
Deep fried potato cubes meet our Mozzarella Hot Dog
(Mozzarella & Sausage available)

11. The Sweet Potato
Deep fried Sweet potato cubes meet our Original Hot Dog

12. Sweet Potato Mozzarella
Deep fried sweet potato cubes meet our Mozzarella Hot Dog
(Mozzarella & Sausage available)